Sacred Geometry Healing

What is Sacred Geometry Healing?

Sacred Geometry can be found everywhere, even our DNA has its shape. It has an invisible force, works on all levels of our existence. Affects the physical body, our emotions and our spiritual world, holding the key to a happier and  more fulfilling life. As we grow, we start to be caught in toxic situations and vibrations, losing the touch with our inner nature. That is where Sacred Geometry can come into hand. Using sacred shapes, which are visual tools that help us connect with the source of energy in the most natural and possible ways, reaches the root… a cause of the issues. This approach helps to purify our energy field and strengths our connection with the Universe.


Remember, just like any other healing journey, this also takes time. Although you may notice improvements right away, the more you experience the healings, the better you will feel. Sacred Geometry not only helps relieve pressure and tension in the nervous system, but it helps us get rid of outdated beliefs and toxic thoughts that can hinder your growth immensely. As we heal, we start to feel more present and focused. These patterns send vibrations to our consciousness that help awaken a healthier state of mind. As a result, we feel less anxious and less afraid of what the future brings.


Sacred Geometry can strengthen your intuition, can enhance your gifts that you have stored within and create some life changing experiences. We use Sacred symbols that will increase the effect to heal YOUR body which requires it at the time. It goes deeper into your cellular level. What YOU need to release, will be released that that time.

Crystal Enhancement

Sacred geometry is such a powerful modality that when incorporated to other types of energy healing, it can become extremely powerful. Also, it can be elevated using crystals that have a very powerful vibrational frequency, making the healing process a Stronger one.

Pura Vida's Healing Process

Energy healing is not a quick fix. You may have immediate results, or it could take longer. But no matter what, your future will be very interesting. Bad habits will break, you will make new discoveries, and experience enlightening realizations. The process may seem like a roller coaster at first but know this is just part of the healing process. The more you invest in yourself, the more results you will receive. Just know we are here to help you in your amazing journey!

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