
What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is an ancient, holistic healing practice originating from the indigenous cultures of the Americas. This healing art connects you with all of creation through altered states of consciousness, producing profound transformations of your physical and spiritual worlds. A powerful modality, it removes blocking energies and entities and restores that which is lost as well. Shamanism will eliminate imprints and traumas, and then fill these spaces with love, gratitude, happiness, positivity, confidence, and life purpose – with pure light. In essence, Shamanism focuses on enhancing your spiritual and physical body by healing your light body.

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Illumination repairs your Energy Field through clearing and balancing your seven major Chakras. This process helps remove negative and dense energy attached within your light body. These energies can become stuck within your Chakras because of emotional traumas which produce negative imprints. These imprints create patterns of behaviors that result in poor decisions and outcomes. Illumination removes dark energies and produces awareness and healing at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Illumination can help bring more clarity, awareness, trust, and self-love, and remove limiting beliefs, brake old habits, remove old baggage, and enhance your peace of mind.



 Our energetic body can have dark energy or entities lodged within. These energies or entities can become attached to us as a result of significant emotional events or severe loss. Intrusive energies can manifest themselves through illness, pain, psychological imbalances, or spiritual unrest. Outward signs of entities can include anger, stress, fatigue, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, low self-steam, confusion, and self-deterioration, among many other things. Using Extractions, we take you to a higher state of consciousness to determine if your issues arise from harmful energies or entities. Once traced, we track them within your energetic body and extract them to either be transmuted into nature or assist them to pass and return to their loved ones. 


Cords Removal

 All relationships in life have a connection creating energetic cords between them. These cords can come from many different types of connections, like lovers, family, friends, coworkers, strangers, animals, plants, and so on. In many relationships, these cords are balanced. But in others, it can be conflicted and very toxic. In those cases, cutting cords is a powerful tool to severe these ties to release emotional stress and remove addictive tendencies. When these cords are cut, space opens for a powerful healing as they will no longer tear at your energy field and weaken your power. 

Soul Retrieval

 At some point in our lives, we may suffer emotional or physical trauma. As a result, a part of our soul may flee, hide, or even be lost to attain safety. Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, addictions, rejections, abandonment, prolonged pain, grief, death, divorce, violence, natural disasters, or any situation causing great emotional stress can lead to soul loss. Soul Retrieval is used to bring back those parts of the soul that left you. The benefits of returning these soul parts are many, but typically result in feelings of being more grounded, energized, lighter, joyful, aware, stronger, clearer, and having a stronger sense of wholeness and meaning.


Destiny Retrieval

Destiny Retrieval will help you find your life purpose. In this process, we will go to the upper world and connect with your celestial parents who will show us your intent for this incarnation. They will lead us to answers about what is holding you back to fulfill your true destiny to embrace your wholeness, contentment, and peace in this lifetime. With this new "roadmap" you will then know the countless opportunities and pathways you have to enjoy a more meaningful life. 

Ancestral Constellation

Healing relationships with others, even those deceased, may be needed for us to move forward in our life and achieve inner harmony. Many times, and without even realizing it, we are bogged down with our past, with grief, and with old wounds from ancestors or past relationships. This can influence how we think and act and can create energetic imprints that need to be removed for our own good. In these cases, "Ancestral Constellation" can help transform those destructive patterns in our life to reclaim a much better state of mind filled with positivity and peace. Ancestral Constellation is most beneficial for those who are unable to forgive, harbor resentment, can't let go, have debilitating beliefs or emotions, exhibit destructive behaviors, or have emotional blockages.


Our brain is programmed with a survival system that pushes us into a "fight or flight" mode when we face danger or emergency. The problem is many of us can remain in this state of mind indefinitely, causing many problems in our life. The "fight or flight" state results in our Sacral Chakra (or energy vortex) improperly driving our body's rhythm at a very high speed, and continuously. This can cause tremendous anxiety and fear, producing health and emotional issues. These effects also include poor prioritization and faulty decision making. Decoupling is a technique we use to uncouple this Sacral drive from the body's beat and replace it with our Heart Chakra's rhythm, natural in our light energy body. Decoupling typically results in feelings of relief, peace, safety, and great clarity. Many do this "as" a regular light body maintenance program.

Pura Vida's Healing Process

Energy healing is not a quick fix. You may have immediate results, or it could take longer. But no matter what, your future will be very interesting. Bad habits will break, you will make new discoveries, and experience enlightening realizations. The process may seem like a roller coaster at first but know this is just part of the healing process. The more you invest in yourself, the more results you will receive. Just know we are here to help you in your amazing journey!

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